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Publications about CERL


  • Tinka Katic, 'Retrospektivna katalogizacija starih knjiga u Europi: Konzorcij europskih znanstvenih knjiznica'. in: Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske 39 (1996), 3–4, 152–163.


  • C. Dondi, ‘Provenance records in the CERL Thesaurus and in Material Evidence in Incunabula’, in ‘PROVENIO: The Methodology of Book Provenance Research, themed issue of Sborník Národního muzea / Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, series C – Historia Litterarum, vol. 58, 2013, no. 3-4, pp. 15-19.


  • J. Bos, 'Hand Press Book-file in KB', in Informatie Professional 3 (1999), pp. 10-11. Scan.


  • C. Dondi, 'The integration of Provenance Data for the Reconstruction of the Dispersed European Book Heritage', in Safeguard of Cultural Heritage: A Challenge from the past for the Europe of Tomorrow, COST Strategic Workshop, Florence 11-13 July 2011 (Florence, 2011).
  • Jan Bos, 'Philip II, standardization and the STCN' (paper given at the CERL 1998 Annual General Meeting).
  • Consortium of European Research Libraries. Papers presented at the Rare Books and Manuscript sessions, IFLA, Barcelona, August 1993. Privately printed for Consortium members. London, 1994.
    [Papers by J.M. Smethurst, Ann Matheson, Henry L. Snyder, Richard Landon, Luigi Balsamo, Lotte Hellinga, 37 pp.].
  • A.G. Curwen and C. Kirk (compilers), Application of UNIMARC to Multinational Databases. [Feasibility study coordinated by Claudia Fabian]. München, 1999. [UBCIM Publication, n.s. 20].
    [Report under the aegis of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Consortium of European Research Libraries].
  • Claudia Fabian, 'UNIMARC Report'. in: UNIMARC Workshop: Proceedings of the workshop held in Luxembourg on 13 September 1996. Luxembourg, European Commission Directorate XIII, Electronic publishing and libraries, 1996, 1–8.
  • L. Hellinga, 'The Consortium of European Research Libraries'. in: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control 22 (1993), 60–63.
  • L. Hellinga, 'European automation projects' in: Enzo Esposito (ed.), Bibliologica e Informatica: Giornata di studio, Napoli, Istituto 'Suor Orsola Benincasa', 26 November 1993, Ravenna, 1994, [Strumenti bibliografici], 65–74
  • L. Hellinga, 'The European printed heritage c. 1450-1830: a new approach'. in: La Bibliofilía 100 (1998), 597–603.
  • L. Hellinga, 'A meditation on the variety in scale and context in the modern study of the early printed heritage'. in: Papers of the American Bibliographical Society 92 (1998), 401–423.
  • L. Hellinga, 'Records of provenance in the HPB Database'. in: El Libro antiguo español VI: De Libros, Librerías, Imprentas y Lectores, ed. Pedro M. Cátedra & María Luisa López-Vidriero, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (2002), 147–152.
  • L. Hellinga and M. Lefferts, ‘Searching manuscripts and printed books’. in: IBC 3 (2004), 76-78.
  • R. Henderson, 'The Hand Press Book file in RLIN: The development of a European unified database'. in: Program 31/3 (1997), 269–280.
  • Gunilla Jonsson, 'The HPB file and Clustering - PM as a basis for the discussion of the ATG in The Hague 1997-02-14', CERL discussion paper, 1997.
  • F.G. Kaltwasser, J.M. Smethurst (eds.), Retrospective cataloguing in Europe: 15th to 19th Century Printed Materials. Proceedings of the international conference, Munich 28th-30th November 1990. München, etc. K.G. Saur, 1992.
    [The first meeting which led to establishing the Consortium, with 35 papers].
  • Curtis Lavery, 'New Web Guide for Users of the Hand Press Book Database'. In: RLG Focus 46 (2000), 7–8.
  • Ann Matheson, 'The Munich 1990 Conference: The Case for Retrospective Cataloguing'. Alexandria (1992), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 63–68.
  • Ann Matheson, 'The Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL): The European printed archive'. In: Alexandria, the Journal of National and International Library and Information Issues (2005), Vol. 17.
  • Ann Matheson, 'The Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL): A European initiative'. In: Nielsen, Erland Kolding and Saur, Klaus G and Ceynowa, Klaus, (Eds), Die innovative Bibliothek : Elmar Mittler zum 65. Geburtstag. Münch: K.G. Saur Verlag, 2005.
  • G.C. Noordermeer, Study to establish the feasibility of using UNIMARC amongst EC national libraries, bibliographic utilities and the booktrade based upon their present computer facilities. Final report in English and German by Die Deutsche Bibliothek, under contract LIBACT5/UNIMARC-EC to the Commission of theEuropean Communities, DG XIII-E-3. With Appendices by Anthony G. Curwen,Consultant, UK and Trudi C. Noordermeer, The Royal Library, The Netherlands. (1992 Report), 120 pp.
  • David James Shaw, ‘The Consortium of Euroepan Research Libraries and the Hand Press Book database’. in: IBC 3 (2004), 73-76.
  • David J. Shaw, ‘Interpreting Europe's printed cultural heritage: the rôle of the Consortium of European Research Libraries (il CERL e il patrimonio culturale del libro in Europa)’. In: «Navigare nei mari dell'umano sapere»: Biblioteche e circolazione libraria nel Trentino e nell'Italia del XVIII secolo, Atti del convegno di studio (Rovereto, 25–27 ottobre 2007), a cura di Giancarlo Petrella. Provincia autonoma di Trento, Soprintendenza per i beni librari e archivistici, 2008, 47–57.
  • J.M. Smethurst, 'Towards a European database of the Hand Printed Book'. in: E. Stumpf-Fischer (ed.), Der wohlinformierte Mensch: Eine Utopie. Festschrift für Magda Strebl zum 65. Geburtstag. Graz, Akad. Druck-und Verlaganstalt, 1997, 368–83.
  • J.M. Smethurst, 'The Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL)'. in: Alexandria 11/3 (1999), 149–160.
  • Margherita Spinazzola, HPB experiences in Emilia-Romagna libraries within the agreement between CERL and Soprintendenza, CERL discussion paper, 10 November 2000.
  • Marieke van Delft, ‘CERL’s work and vision for provenance research II: The Provenance Digital Archive in CERL, in: La Bibliofilía, 117 (2015), 321-324. Special issue: Catalogues, libraries and copy-specific evidence. An International dossier on provenance databases.


  • Dominique Bougé-Grandon (ed.), Le livre voyageur. Constitution et dissémination des collection livresques dans l’Europe moderne (1450-1830). Actes du colloque international organisé par l’École nationale supérieure des sciences de l’information et des bibliothèques (ENSSIB) et le Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL) à la bibliothèque municipale de Lyon et à l’ENSSIB les 23 et 24 mai 1997. Paris, Klincksieck, 2000.


  • Monika Estermann, 'Auf dem Weg zu einem europäischen Gesamtkatalog: Zur Tagung des Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL) in München', in: Buchhandelsgeschichte 1997/4, Herausg. von der Historischen Kommission des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels, 1997, 197-9.
  • Claudia Fabian, 'Altbestandskatalogisierung als Gemeinschaftsaufgabe Europas: Bericht über die International Conference on Retrospective Cataloguing in Europe, 15th to 19th century materials, vom 28. bis 30. November 1990 in München'. in: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 38 (1991), 227-235.
  • Claudia Fabian, 'Die Gründung der Eurodatenbank für Altbestandskatalogisierung in Europa: Bericht über die zweite International Conference on Retrospective Cataloguing in Europe, 15th to 19th century printed materials, vom 29. bis 30.Januar 1992 in München'. in: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 39 (1992), 207-216.
  • Claudia Fabian, 'Das Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL) und die Gründung einer Datenbank für frühe europäische Drucke (1450-1830)'. in: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 41 (1994), 353-359.
  • Claudia Fabian, 'Die “Hand Press Book Database” des Consortium of European Research Libraries'. in: Von Gutenberg zum Internet: 7. Deutscher Bibliothekskongress, 87. Deutscher Bibliothekartag in Dormund 1997, Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, 1997, 61-69.
  • Claudia Fabian, 'Hand Press Book Database und CERL Thesaurus'. in: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 51 (2004), 229-235.


  • Judit Vízkelety-Ecsedy, 'Egy európai régi-könyv adatbázis: a HPB (Hand Press Book) [A European database for early printed books: HPB]'. in: Magyar Könyvszemle Vol. 117. 2001. pp.245-249.
  • Judit Vízkelety-Ecsedy, 'Adatbázisok - régi könyvekkel és könyvtörténettel foglalkozóknak: HPB és ABHB [Databases for bibliographers and cataloguers of early printed books: HPB and ABHB]'. in: Magyar könyvszemle Vol. 118. 2002. pp.200-203. [ABHB is the Annual Bibliography of the History of Printed Book (The Hague).]


  • Lucrezia Signorello, 'Il Provenance Digital Archive del CERL: il nuovo censimento online delle provenienze librarie', in DigItalia, 1 (2020), pp. 133-134.
  • C. Dondi, 'Il contesto Europeo delle banche dati bibliografiche di ricerca', in Il Libro antico tra catalogo storico e catalogazione elettronica, ed. Roberto Rusconi, Rome, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, anno CDIX, 2012 (Contributi del Centro linceo interdisciplinare «Beniamino Segre» n. 127), pp. 19-29.
  • C. Dondi and A. Ledda, 'Material Evidence in Incunabula', in La Bibliofilìa, 113 (2011), pp. 375-81.
  • Luisa Buson, 'Il CERL: un modello di integrazione di basi dati del libro antico'. in: Il libro antico: situazione e prospettive di catalogazione e di valorizzazione (Atti del convegno di studi, Trento, 17 dicembre 2001), Quaderni 3 (2003), 57-65.
  • Rosaria Campioni, 'La cooperazione europea per una base dati dei libri antichi'. in: M. Guerrini, (ed.) Il linguaggio della biblioteca: Scritti in onore di Diego Maltese, Milano, Editrice bibliografica, 1994, 575-580.
  • Rosaria Campioni, ‘Per un accesso integrato alla produzione libraria europea’. in: IBC 3 (2004), 58-60.
  • Claudia Fabian, Isa de Pinedo, Cristina Magliano, 'Il Consortium of European Research Libraries e il progetto europeo CoBRA/UNIMARC: due esperienze di cooperazione'. in: Bollettino AIB 37 (1997), 194-206.
  • Lotte Hellinga and Marian Lefferts, ‘Cercando manoscritti e edizioni a stampa’. in: IBC 3 (2004), 66-69.
  • David James Shaw, ‘Il Consortium of Euroepan Research Libraries e la banca dati Hand Press Book’. in: IBC 3 (2004), 63-66.
  • Margherita Spinazzola, 'Biblioteche associate'. in: IBC 4 (1996), 60-61.
  • Margherita Spinazzola, 'Nuovo per l’antico in rete'. in: L’Informazione Bibliografica 23 (1997), 589-98.
  • Margherita Spinazzola, 'Fatti a mano. La base dati Hand Press Book'. in: IBC 2 (2000), 5-7.


  • K. Yukishima, 'Possibility of a modern Bibliotheca Universalis'. in: Shoshi Chosa (Bibliographical Researches), 1994, 142-4. Published by the Study Group of Bibliographical Researches, Tokyo.


  • Marianna Czapnik, 'Konsorcjum Europejskich Bibliotek Naukowych i udzial w nim Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie', (Warsaw University Library’s Participation in the Consortium of European Research Libraries), in: Przeglad Biblioteczny (Library Review), vol.4, 2002, pp. 295-303.
  • Weronika Karlak, 'Działalność Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL) i udział w nim polskich bibliotek', (Activity of Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL) and participation of Polish libraries in it), in: Roczniki Biblioteczne [Library Yearbooks], R.LIII (2009), pp. 301-311.


  • N.F. Verbina (comp.), V.N. Zaitsev (ed. in chief), A.R. Rumyantsev, N.Yu. Yakovleva (eds.). Machine-readable cataloguing of old-printed books: Papers of training workshop held in the National library of Russia in 1998-1999 in the network of the CERL project / National library of Russia; Consortium of European research libraries (CERL). St-Petersburg, The National Library of Russia Publishing House, 2000. - 120 p. - In Russian. - ISBN 5-8192-0060-8.
    Машиночитаемая каталогизация старопечатной книги: Матриалы обучающих семинаров, прошедших в Российской национальной библиотеке в рамках про-екта Консорциума европейских научных библиотек (CERL) в 1998 - 1999 гг. /РНБ, Consortium of Europ. research libr.; Отв. ред. В.Н.Зайцев; Сост. Н.Ф.Вербина.- С.-Петербург: Издательство Российской национальной библиотеки, 2000.- 120 с.- ИСБН 5-8192-0060-8.
  • Вербина Н.Ф. Российская национальная библиотека в Консорциуме европейских научных библиотек / Библиотековедение. - 2003. - № 1. – С. 92-95.
    Verbina N. F. 'The National Library of Russia in the Consortium of European Scientific Libraries', Librarian Science. - 2003. - №1. - P.92-95.
  • Вербина Н.Ф. Встреча в Эдинбурге: Культурное наследие Европы в век цифровых технологий / Библиотечное дело. – 2005 - N2. C.15-16.
    Verbina N. F. 'Meeting at Edinburgh: The Cultural Heritage of Europe in the Century of Digital Technologies', Librarianship. -2005 N2 - P.15-16.
  • Вербина Н.Ф. Генеральная Конференция СERL в Риме (2 ноября 2005 г.) / Информ. Бюл. РБА. - 2006- N37 – С. 97.
    Verbina N.F, 'Annual Meeting of CERL in Rome (2nd of November 2005)', Russian Library Association Newsletter. - 2006- N37 – P. 97.
  • Вербина Н. Ф. Ежегодное общее собрание CERL 2006 / Новости международной федерации библиотечных ассоциаций и учреждений. - №4(67).- 2007.
    'Annual Meeting CERL 2006', Newsletter of Russian committee of IFLA. - №4(67) – 2007.
  • Вербина Н. Ф, Кузина Н.Ю. Российская национальная библиотека в европейских организациях и проектах (на примере Консорциума европейских научных библиотек) / Научные и технические библиотеки. – 2007. – №2. – С.39-43.
    Verbina N. F. and Kuzina N. Ju. 'The National Library of Russia in the European organizations and projects (on the example of Consortium of European Research Libraries)', Science and Technology Libraries. – 2007. - №2. – P.39-43.
  • Масевич А.Ц. Обучающий семинар по машиночитаемой каталогизации старопечатной книги / Новости Международной федерации библиотечных ассоциаций и учреждений № 4(67)'2007.
    Masevich A. Ts. 'The Workshop Machine readable cataloguing of old printed book', Newsletter of Russian committee of IFLA. - №4(67). - 2007.
  • Масевич А.Ц. Консорциум европейских научных библиотек и Российская национальная библиотека: Опыт сотрудничества / Новости Международной федерации библиотечных ассоциаций и учреждений. - № 5(68). - 2007.
    Masevich A. Ts. 'Consortium of European Research Libraries and the National Library of Russia: an experience of partnership', Newsletter of of Russian committee of IFLA. - №5 (68). – 2007.


  • Zlata Dimec, 'Oblikovanje bibliografske podatkovne zbirke za gradivo iz obdobja roènega tiska: projekt CERL' [Establishing a Bibliographic Database for Hand Press Books CERL project]. in: Tradicionalni mediji v sodobni informacijski druzbi / Zveza bibliotekarskih drustev Slovenije, Strokovno posvetovanje, 11. do 13. oktober 2000. Maribor, Narodni dom, 2000, 126-137.


  • Gunilla Jonsson, 'Consortium of European Research Libraries'. in Biblioteksbladet (1992:10), 306-7.
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