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News 2014

October 2014

6th International Conference of the Manuscript Librarians Expert Group
'Digital and Traditional Manuscripts: Challenges of a Great Migration'. The conference was held at the Royal Library in Copenhagen, 9-11 October 2014. The programme can be found here.

CERL Annual Seminar - 28 October 2014
The theme of the seminar was The application of text encoding facilities to digital versions of European early books, with a wide range of papers on AGORA, RETRO, the Monk project, the Venice Time Machine, crowd-sourcing and TEI. The full programme, biographies and abstracts can be downloaded here.

September 2014

CERL Workshop at SHARP 2014 Antwerp
Historical Provenance Research: Material Evidence, Documentary Evidence, and Digital Humanities – CERL Workshop, 17 September, 9.00-13.30. SHARP CONFERENCE (Antwerp 17-20 September 2014). The full programme is here.

B2i will close in December 2014
The current host, the Baryerische Staatsbibliothek, is inviting organisations to take over the hosting of the B2i-portal, which will otherwise be closed down in December of this year. Read the BSB announcement.

February 2014

CERL and LIBER sign a Memorandum of Agreement
CERL and LIBER have a long tradition of collaboration, and have now updated the wording of their Memorandum of Agreement. Read the MoU

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 news/cerl_news_2014.1415188039.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/11/05 12:47 by lefferts



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