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CERL Thesaurus Help

This page describes the main features of the CERL Thesaurus web interface. For information on the content of the Thesaurus or other means of access go to the Resources section.


To search for a name or title in the CERL Thesaurus, enter a search term into the search box and select the segments of the database you wish to search by ticking the boxes below the search box. You may search in more than one segment at a time. Searchable are name forms (in any word order), record identifiers (CT identifiers and other identifiers) as well as words and codes from the activity and geographic notes fields.

The records that match your search terms are grouped according the database segments they belong to. I.e. when searching for paris, the capital of France will appear in the places section while Geneviève <de Paris> will appear in the persons section.

Click on a record to display the full information or click on the clipboard symbol to add that record to your clipboard in order to consult it at a later point in time or download it.

Clicking More Search Options opens an extended form from which you may select even more categories to search in. (You may close this form by clicking “Fewer Search Options”.)

The use of Boolean search operators is not supported. If you enter more than one search term, the system will combine them by a logical AND. Phrase search is not supported either. For searching an exact name form, use the index browse lists.

Right Truncation is possible by adding a question mark (?) to the search term.

You may sort your search results either alphabetically or chronologically. Please note that records without biographical dates will sort at the end of a set when chronological sorting is applied.

You may always return to your last search result set by clicking Search in the navigation bar on the right.

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You may browse the indexes of the CERL Thesaurus if you wish to see an entry in its alphabetical context. Click Browse in the navigation bar on the right and select the index you want to browse.

Below each index entry the records holding this name or title form are listed in the same manner as in the search result lists. Just click on an entry to see the record or click on the clipboard symbol to add that record to your clipboard (e.g. for downloading).

Each page contains 15 entries in alphabetical order. To see the next or the preceding 15 entries, use the links at the bottom.

Available indexes are:

  • Places
  • Imprint Names
  • Persons
  • Sources (titles and abbreviations of reference works cited in CT records)
  • Corporate Names
  • Provenance Names (Persons and Corporate Bodies who are recorded as (former) owners of books).
  • Id numbers (CERL Thesaurus record identifiers)

By clicking Browse in the navigation bar you can always return to your last browse list.

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Search History

You may revisit your earlier searches in the Search History list by clicking on Search History in the navigation bar on the right. Please note that by going back to a previous search or index browse list, the current search result set or index browse list will be overwritten. (However, you can access it from the search history then)

You may also add records to your clipboard from the search history by clicking the blue clipboard symbol next to the entry.

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Next to a record's short display you will find a small blue clipboard symbol. By clicking this symbol you add the respective record to your clipboard, which is displayed on the left side below the Toolbox.

To access a record from your clipboard, just click on the heading/title.

To remove a record from the clipboard, click the waste paper basket symbol on the left of that entry. To remove all records from the clipboard, select clear your clipboard from the Toolbox.

You can download the records on your clipboard as a text file by clicking Export clipboard in the Toolbox. Your browser will prompt you to save the file, which you can open with any text processing software. Please note that the character encoding is UTF-8.

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User may comment on any record in the CERL Thesaurus via its inbuild annotation feature (Scholar's Notepad), thus sharing insights on the described entity, information on scholarly communications or further information sources on it.

To add an annotation click Add an annotation at the bottom of the annotation area of a record's full display. A form will open where you can insert any text. Text formatting is limited to line breaks and bold script (by enclosing the *text* with asterisks). Hyperlinks are recognized automatically, if they are surrounded by blanks (and do not contain blanks) and start with http://.

In order to be able to edit your comment at a later point in time, you should insert a password of your choice in the password field. Please choose a password that you can remember easily while it is not easy to guess by others (Under no circumstances use your name or 'cerl'). A password-protected entry will have a link reading Edit this annotation below it. You may click this link, enter your password and make changes to your comment. Comments without a password cannot be edited once they have been saved.

CERL reserves the right to delete any comment, which it considers inappropriate (i.e. messages that are usually referred to as 'spam').

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The CERL Thesaurus web interface is available in a variety of European languages. The underlying software will try to detect your preferred language(s) from your browser settings. If your browser is not configured accordingly or your browser's default language is not available, you may switch to a language of your choice by clicking Language in the top navigation bar and then picking the language you want the interface be displayed in.

Please note: if a component of the web interface is not available either in the language you've choosen or in your browser's language, the system will default to English.

If you would like to help with the translation of the interface into a language not yet covered, please contact CERL at secretariat@cerl.org.

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Diacritics and Non-Roman Scripts

Under Windows XP some diacritics do not display properly with the CERL Thesaurus web interface's default font. If you encounter misplaced diacritic marks or characters that cannot be displayed (i.e. you see a rectangle or a question mark instead of a character), try another font by clicking Change Font from the Toolbox repeatedly until you find a font that works for you. The system will try to display the record using the following fonts if available:

  • Arial Unicode MS
  • Titus Cyberbit Basic or Times New Roman
  • Tahoma

Under Windows Vista and Windows 7 the default font works fine with diacritics and most non-Roman characters.

To facilitate the input of diacritics and non-Roman characters there is a virtual (on-screen) keyboard available for the search line and the index browse input field. Click Virtual Keyboard in the Toolbox to activate the keyboard icon. Click Virtual Keyboard again to hide it.

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 help/thesaurus/main.1346399844.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/09/26 15:51 (external edit)



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