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Online seminar

On 30 September 2021, the Provenance Working Group organised an online seminar on Provenance in Book History, chaired by Marieke van Delft. Video of the presentations by Pearson and Dondi are available here, or for individuals presentations by clicking on the links below.

Justus Düren, Kunstverwaltung des Bundes, Germany - War looted books and the Austrian national library

Prof. Fabiano Cataldo de Azevedo, Federal University of Bahia - Brazil: Provenance research in Brazil
Power Point slides

Prof. David Pearson, University of London - Reflections on the study of provenance
Power Point slides

Prof. Cristina Dondi, University of Oxford - CERL: Provenance evidence in book history
Power Point slides

Discussion: What is provenance in book history?

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