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The European Register of Microform and Digital Masters (EROMM)

The European Register of Microform and Digital Masters (EROMM) is an international database created to record all printed material that is reproduced on microform or digital form to preserve its contents without limit in time. There are no limitations in type of publication (monographs, serials, journals, newspapers), language, date or provenance. Via the EROMM database, microforms and digital forms can be located and accessed: requests are forwarded on-line to the institution that owns the master copy of a microform, and hyperlinks point to the web location of a digital reproduction. EROMM informs microfilming and digitisation programmes in libraries whether selected books have previously been microfilmed or digitised elsewhere.

CERL members are allowed free read-only access to the EROMM database - provided one institution in their country provides data to EROMM and is a member (as is the case for most CERL members).

Institutions wishing to use the EROMM database may register as a user via the EROMM website. To ensure an automated log-on procedure, you must provide your IP domain or IP number. Libraries that wish to use EROMM's requesting facility, or obtain special advantages of pricing and delivery time will be required to pay a low annual fee. These libraries are expected to contribute their own records of reformatted items and be able to deliver user copies upon request.

!! EROMM in the CERL Portal !! EROMM is also available for searching in combination with the HPB Database and other databases through the CERL Portal.

EROMM also hosts the Cellulose Acetate Microfilm Database (CAMD): The ever more pressing problem of Cellulose Acetate as a film base has prompted EROMM to build a new tool, the Cellulose Acetate Microfilm Database or CAMD. It aims to help libraries and archives assess the danger presented by acetate in their microform holdings and to offer mutual support by sharing information.

!! For more information about EROMM, go to the EROMM web site !!

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 services/eromm.1348826143.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/09/28 11:55 by baldwin



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