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Europeana Libraries

Europeana Libraries project


This project is co-funded by the European Union’s CIP-ICT-PSP programme. It is coordinated by The European Library and hosted by the National Library of the Netherlands.

Europeana Libraries is a 2-year project that will bring the digital collections of 19 of Europe’s leading research libraries to Europeana and The European Library. The content will include: • 1,200 film and video clips • 850,000 images • 4.3 million texts (books, journal articles, theses, letters) The project will create a valuable resource for scholars and build a robust network of national, university and research libraries, supported by Europe’s major research library organisations.


5 Million Objects: Digitised books, films and images will be made freely available online. Subjects range from Oriental manuscripts to Spanish civil war photographs and represent a wide geographical spread that covers the length and breadth of Europe.

Full-text Indexing: The project will make it possible for users to search within digitised text. This creates the potential for in-depth academic study of all texts brought together by Europeana Libraries.

Representation: The Europeana Libraries project provides research libraries with a platform to promote their collections to the widest possible audience. It lays the foundation on which a critical mass of research resources can be based.

Aggregation: This project will unite content from several libraries and create a single channel for contributing library content to Europeana and The European Library. The model will be efficient, cost effective and capable of being extended to research libraries across Europe.

High Quality Metadata: The quality and structure of library metadata will be improved. This will make online searching more accurate and user friendly. New features such as timelines and maps will also be supported.

Content Providers and examples of their contributions

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: 8-19th century manuscripts and rare books

Biblioteca Academiei Române: Italian drawings, Romanian history

Complutense University of Madrid: engravings, theses, photographs

Hungarian Parliament Library: parliamentary records, gazettes, literature

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven: portraits of important figures from history

Lunds Universitet: scholarly articles and journals

National Library of Wales: 18th-20th century prints and photographs

Trinity College Dublin: photographs, songs, booklets

UCL (University College London): 50,000 catalogue records for theses

Universitatea Lucian Blaga Din Sibiu: books and images from Romania

Universität Wien: scientific papers, films of talks by Nobel Prize winners

Universiteit Gent: posters of the late 19th century, ephemera

University of Belgrade: books on Alexander the Great, Oriental manuscripts

University of Bern: 16-18th century map collection

University of Oxford: public domain books and journals (digitised by Google)

University of Tartu: books, periodicals, maps, letters and photographs

Uppsala Universitet: e-theses, images

Wellcome Library: photographs and films covering the history of medicine

Zentralbibliothek Zürich: 10-16th century maps, colourised photographs

CERL Involvement

CERL was involved in business planning, and communication and dissemination.

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 collaboration/projects/europeana_libraries.1369295507.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/05/23 09:51 by baldwin



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