Genre Terms

About this Database

Format Description


This field contains the record identifier. Identifiers for concept start with the prefix 'con' and identifiers for terms with 'trm'. This field contains neither indicators or subfields and is not repeatable.


This field holds the general processing data and does exists only for compliance with the Unimarc standard. Usage is the same for the corresponding field in the CERL Thesaurus).


Language of the term: This field does occur only in record for terms an indicates the language from which the term has been taken.

Indicator positions are both blanks, the only subfield permitted is $a. Subfield $a holds a language code according to ISO 639-1/B. Neither the field nor its subfield is repeatable.


Status of the record: This field holds a one-character code indicating the status of record. Valid codes are:

0default (Record has been created or checked by an editor appointed by CERL)
9preliminary (Record has been created by user input via the web interface)

Both indicator positions hold blanks, the only subfield permitted is $a. Neither field nor subfield is repeatable.


Name of concept: This field gives the name of a concept and occurs only in records describing concepts.

Both indicator positions are undefined (blank). Subfields are $a for the name of the concept and $8 indicating the language the name in $a is taken from. $8 should preceed $a and should contain a two-letter language code according to ISO 639-1/B.

This field is repeatable when names are given in different languages; within the field, the subfields are not repeatable.


Scope note: This field may occur in records for concepts as well as in records for terms and holds an explanatory note or scope note regarding the concept or term described.

Both indicator positions hold blanks, the subfields allowed within this field are $a, holding the note and $8 indicating the language of the note. $8 should preceed $a an should contain a two-letter language code according to ISO 639-1/B.

This field is repeatable when names are given in different languages; within the field, the subfields are not repeatable.


Term: This field holds the actual term. The indicator positions are definded as follows:

Indicator 1: Indication of preferred Form

1Lemma form (usually Nominative sg.)
0Declined form (all other cases and numera)

Indicator 2: Status of heading

0approved (edited by an editor appointed by CERL)
1preliminary (user input via web interface)

Possible subfields are

$gNote on grammatical form
$nother note on term

This field is repeatable, while the subfields within the field are not. There should be exactly one field 480 with indicator position 1 = '1' in each term's record.


Superordinated concept: This field links to a superordinated concept. It may occur in records for terms as well as in records for concepts.

Both indicator positions hold blanks. The only subfield permitted in this field is $3 which holds the id of the record linked to.

This field is repeatable in records describing concepts, but not in records describing terms. Each record describing a term must contain exact one field 580.


Similar concept: This field links to a similar concept (see-also reference). It may occur in records for concepts only.

Both indicator positions hold blanks. The only subfield permitted in this field is $3 which holds the id of the record linked to.

This field is repeatable, the subfield within the field is not.


Cataloguer's Note: This field holds an internal note made by the editor for the eyes of other editors only. It is not displayed publicly.

Both indicator positions hold blanks, the subfields permitted in this field are $a, which holds the text of the note and $6 to internally mark a record. The field is repeatable, while the subfield is not.


URI of concept: This field contains the URI (HTTP URI) of the concept.

First indicator position is 4 and the second position is undefined (blank). The only subfield permitted in this field is $u, which holds the URI.

The field is not repeatable, neither is the subfield.


URI of identical concept from other source: This field contains an HTTP URI of the concept from another knowledge base, i.e. a “same as” relation.

The format of this field is identical to that of field 856, this field is repeatable, though.


Date of record creation: This field is generated by the system and not input manually. The format of this field is identical to the same field in the CERL Thesaurus)


Date of last change: Scope and format of this field is identical to that of the same field in the CERL Thesaurus