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CERL's Organisation

Management Team
Board of Directors (2023-2024)
A list of CERL Directors from 1996 is available here.
Executive Committee (2023-2024)
Hosting partner and advisor
CERL Honorary Fellows
  • Dr Marieke van Delft, (retired from Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague mid-March 2021), overseeing the CERL Provenance Digital Archive
  • John Lancaster, overseeing the cataloguing and training in MEI in a number of American libraries
  • Mr Edwin Schroeder, formerly at Yale University Library, New Haven
  • Prof Fabiano Cataldo de Azevedo, Rio de Janeiro, Imperial Museum, Instituto Brasileiro de Museus - IBRAM. Research Area.
  • Dr Maria Giuseppina Cerri, Rome
  • Per Cullhed, retired from the Uppsala University Library
  • Dr Geri Della Rocca de Candal, 15cBOOKTRADE, Oxford
  • Ms Theresa Hertwig (student in Global Humanities, Sapienza University of Rome, Summer 2022: mapping books from suppressed monasteries)
  • Mrs Gunilla Jonsson, Stockholm
  • Dr Matilde Malaspina (CERL-BNCR-Polonsky Project - Subiaco incunabula, 2018-2020)
  • Dott. Camilla Marangoni (Polonsky Dante Project, 2021)
  • Ms Danijela Matkovic, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
  • Scot McKendrick, retired from the British Library
  • Dr Sabrina Minuzzi (CERL-BNCR-Polonsky Project - Subiaco incunabula, 2018-2020)
  • Dr Valentina Piccinin, Rome
  • Mr Gabriele Raciti (student in Global Humanities, Sapienza University of Rome, Summer 2022: mapping books from suppressed monasteries)
  • Dr David Shaw, Canterbury
  • Dr Marina Venier (CERL-BNCR-Polonsky Project - Subiaco incunabula, 2018-2020; Polonsky Dante Project, 2021)
In Memoriam
  • Tony Curwen (17 January 1931 - 28 July 2022) - tributes
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 about/organisation.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/16 10:29 by lefferts



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