R., C. (binding, 1587) S108.
R., E. (binding) B883.
R., R. (monogram) W47.
R., T. B465, H781.
R—–th, Elizabeth C1042.
R—–th, Knowles C1042.
R—-ll, Jo. (166?) G428.
Radcliffe, John (donor, 1822) R9.
Radnell, John (1777) T85.
Ramsden, R. W455.
Ramsden, Robert (bookplate) D287.
Ramton, John (1658) B563.
Rand, Robert B885.
Randle, Ethel A.S. (1970) B506.
Randolph, Thomas V187.
Rands, Richard, Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford L3.
Raper, Henry G198.
Raper, Matthew (1762) L554.
Rastall (?) L492.
Raven, Geoffrey Earle (1961) B1544, B1544.
Rawson, John (1668) D527.
Raye, B. H638.
Rayner, Mrs W.E. (donor, 1931) P94.
Read, Alexander C1135.
Read, T. L528.
Reade, Anthony (1711) A216.
Reade, John C1135.
Rede, L.T. S139.
Redhead, Henry (1786) S5.
Reecynell, Daniell B702.
Reed, Isaac (1790) B1304. (1799) S1092.
Reed, William M589.
Reid, Thomas T7.
Reinolds, John(?) B1330.
Reitzius, Joannes Fridericus L641.
Rennell, E.M. (1840) K11.
Rennell, Rev. (1772) P364.
Reuchlin, Ch. I. (1728) B277.
Revett, Anne (1729) B897.
Revett, Elizabeth B897.
Rewse, Robert R220.
Reynoldes, J. S1023.
Reynolds(?), Folkestone, Kent L34.
Reynolds, H.M. H201.
Rice, John F120.
Rich, Richard (1599) B510.
Richard, C. (donor, 1877) P514.
Richard, J. (stamp) W356.
Richard, John B1346.
Richard, T. P659.
Richards, J. E534.
Richards, Thomas Bryan (1810) B903.
Richards, Thomas R. G314.
Richardson, Jonas D485.
Richardson, T. (1791) S5.
Riches, Edmond B185.
Riches, Hannah B185.
Richmond, John B920.
Ricketts, Henry G57.
Ricketts, William Henry (bookplate) G104.
Riddell, John Charles Buchanan (donor, 1873) R307, R312, R313, R319, R334, R337, R346, R352, R360.
Riddle, J. T137.
Rieux, Joannes Armandus de M346.
Rimbault, E.F. (1877) M73.
Riou, Dorothy H42.
Rittersbusius, Conrad E500.
Roach, F. (donor) S706.
Roane, William (1661) E618.
Roberts, A. (1793) R422.
Roberts, Peter (1824) B1013.
Roberts, William H199, L696.
Robertson, J. (bookplate, 1836) B101, B103.
Robertson, J.O. (1844) G67, M189.
Robertson, James Craigie, Canon of Canterbury (d.1882) B1158, B1401, C270, C274, E509, J212, M189, M373, O60.
Robertson, John B502.
Robertson, John Craigie (donor, 1878) B26.
Robins, John B1384.
Robinson, Richard (1730) M589.
Robinson, Thomas (1750) S52.
Rochford, B. (1725) N30.
Roe, N. R491.
Rogers (?) G80.
Rogers, Mrs (1787) B554.
Rogers, Henry B1303.
Rogers, T.(?) B1355.
Rogers, Thomas (1718) T85.
Rogerson, Matthew C449.
Rolle, Baron G534.
Rolt, Samuel (1716) B835.
Rome, Jesuit seminary G206.
Romilly, Sir Samuel F332, S534, S539. (1819) S535.
Romney, Benjamin S746.
Rondinelli, Marian T201.
Roper, John (bookplate, 1707) O39.
Roscanen, William (donor, 1824) A26.
Rose, Ann H781.
Rose, Henry H403.
Rose, Henry John (1873) B1586, C998, C1001, L634, S739.
Rose, Hugh (1809) T37.
Rose, Hugh James (1829) R339.
Rose, Hugo Jacob A187.
Rose, J. L489.
Rose, John (1626) B488.
Rose, Thomas (1795) T7.
Ross, Alexander (d.1654) R409.
Ross, Antonio Maria (1597) S1113.
Rosse, E. G563.
Rouch, Frederick (donor) (1843) C202. (1862) M81. (1873) C969. (1878) O218.
Rouen, Maurist congregation of St Audoen (17th century) I66.
Rowlen, Mary (b.1698) B563.
Royal Engineers Library W198.
Royal Society (stamp) G36.
Roys, Diana H21.
Rudd (?) B683.
Ruding, Rogers (bookplate) C720.
Ruffer, M. Joh. Henr. N222.
Rule, Gilbert C1303, R225.
Rushington (?) B889.
Russell, John Cecil (bookplate) G315, S700.
Russell, William Congreve (bookplate) B1425.
Rust, Thomas A127.
Rutherford, Charles B1294.
Rutter, Timothy (1744) C498.
Rutz, Leonardus Hermannides (armorial bookplate) J224.
Rychardson, Allyson C444.
Rychardson, Gabriell H843.
Ryland (?) G244.