L, I.A.V.A.H. (bookplate) P514.
L., C.E. (stamp) V207.
L., C.R.(?) (stamp) B850.
L., H. (stamp) S1185.
L., J. (1779) B1639, S650.
L., M. (donor) D485.
L., M.A. T411.
L., M.D.(?), Bp P21.
L., P. A209, K114.
La Bere, (?) de R282.
Laet, William L618.
Lager(?), Jo. B463.
La Hogue, Louis Egidius de L23.
Laing, D. (1881) E503.
Lake, C.(?) L35.
Lake, George H. (donor, 1879) A19.
Lake, Hugo L696.
Lake, Robert L696.
Lake, Sir Atvill (bookplate) G413.
Lamb, Benjamin (1881) Q3.
Lambert, M. L32.
Lambeth Palace Library (gift) D515, H701, J177.
Lamerton, William (1726) F147.
Lammens, Pierre Philippe Constant (d.1836) (bookplate) A144, G459.
Lamparde, Marian (1606) B478.
Lancaster, Alice (1705) C508.
Lane, Henry (1609) B507.
Lane, Jo. Vas. L252.
Lane family (1726) B474.
Langdam, J. L107.
Langton, William (1648) J68.
Lanoon, Mathewe C1186.
Laodgen, John B1147.
Large, Robert C69.
Larnard, David (1693) H655.
Latewarr, Richardus C1319.
Latham, Henry (bookplate) B861, F84, L252.
Latham, Jo. F84.
Laud, William, Abp (d.1645) C1319. (binding) L115.
Lauder, Sir Thomas North Dick, Grange and Fountain Hall R389.
Launaeus, Petrus (1633) (bookplate) P311.
Laurie, James (1732) B1688.
Lavington, J. B6.
Law, John (bookplate) E525.
Lawes, John B475.
Lawton(?), Edward (1715) W188.
Laxton, Samuel J99.
Le Chevalier (?) J205.
Lee, Daniel (1673) L487, P272.
Lee, Francis H413.
Lee, John (d.1720) F50, H377, P272. (1675) C1298. (1676) F188. (1703) K69. (1710) S18. (1714) G537. (1720) F111, K129, P64.
Lee, Mary (née Colfe) (1682) C820. (1690) K3.(See also Colfe)
Lee, Mary (later Warly, d.1769) A173, A175, B232, B1521, B1525, C1042, H447, S29. (See also Warly)
Lee, Richard, Penshurst (c.1646) J114, P544.
Lee, Susanah C1042.
Lee, William L722.
Lee family C711.
Leegh, Frauncis (stamp) B511.
Leeson, S. E27, S1162.
Legh, Elisabeth P268.
Le Hodey (?) P66.
Leicester, Philip Sydney, Earl of: see: Sydney, Philip, Earl of Leicester.
Leigh, Elyzabeth B511.
Leigh, Jo. C279, C1201, S971, S973, S989, S990, S991, S999.
Leigh, Rd. P158.
Leigh, Thomas T250.
Leighton, Francis H674.
Leighton, George Joyce C161.
Le Mercier, Jacob Andreas F49.
Le Noir, V.P. L310.
Leslie, Frances (1807) T77.
Leslie, John (bookplate) P102.
Leslie D37.
Letchworth, H.H. B458.
Letchworth, Mrs (donor, 1922) B458.
Lethbridge, F. B1471.
Lethieullier, Annetta V93, V94.
Lettsom, John Coakley (bookplate) W260. (1786) H263.
Lever, Sir Aston (bookplate) B468.
Lewis, A. (1773) P135.
Lewis, Esther (1732) H278.
Lewis, John, Vicar of Minster, Kent (d.1747) L419, L424, L427. (1713) B477, C456, C473. (1727) L423.
Lewis, Philip B1137.
Lewis, Thomas (1742) B1137.
Lewkenor, Richard E143.
Leybourn Grange (bookplate) R501, R502.
Lichtenberg, L. B113.
Liddell, Lorina C513.
Lille, Discalced Carmelites B928.
Lilly family (167796) B475.
Linck, A.J.F. B1687.
Lindon, Dr B468.
Lindsay, J. B1049.
Liptrap, John (bookplate) A238, A451, F223, F243, G185, N175, N177, P210, S1028, V194.
Lister, Martin (donor, 1697) L495, L496.
Livingston, Alexander (bookplate) G104.
Lloyd, T. B60, B406.
Lloyd, Thomas E25.
Lloyde, J. (1755) S288.
Locke, Anne Margaret A75, N39, T69. (1828) T64.
Locke, Thomas (1829) H471.
Locker, Edward Hawke (bookplate) W128.
Locker, John B486.
Locker, Peter B486.
Locker, William B486.
Lockhart, George (bookplate) F202.
Lockwood, J.C. B1633.
Loddge, John H110.
Lodwik, J. G511.
Loftie, William (bookplate) G314.
London & Westminster Circulating Library (label) H215.
London, St Clement Danes C1258.
Long, Betty A208.
Long, Henry (1705) A189.
Long, James L552.
Longland, John, Archdeacon of Buckingham (d.1589) A89.
Longuevill, Charles (1795?) C1122.
Loon, M. B396.
Lord, J. V165.
Lort, M. P555.
Louvain, Abbess of the English Nunnery W562.
Love, Clayton (1747) L254, L256.
Lovell, John (1780) B1550.
Low, Elizabeth (1726) D274.
Low, John C1246.
Low, Thomas C915.
Lowe, George B715.
Lowell, John T57.
Lowesby, Thomas (1668) S699.
Lowther, Robert T6.
Loyd, Mrs C987.
Lucas B875.
Ludd, John, Headmaster of King's School (d.1649) A89, A255, C113, K86, P289, S140. (1613) C267.
Ludford, John (bookplate) A191, A202, A204, A206, B1314, E66, G233, H33, H264, H712, K14, K16, M177, P155, S174, S309, S740, S808, S810, S842, S954, T420.
Ludford, Millisand (1821) T59.
Ludlum, William (1732) T123.
Luiz, Gaspar C1133.
Lukyn, Anthony (1760) B842.
Lumley, John, Lord (d.1609) B690.
Lund, N. S900.
Lushington, W.N. O161.
Luttrell, Narcissus (d.1732) (1682) S489.
Luxeuil, Benedictines, St Peter (1690) T131.
Lyall, R.A. (in memoriam, 1954) H212.
Lyall, William Rowe, Dean of Canterbury (d.1857) T201.
Lydell, Charles (bookplate) I7.
Lynch, John, Dean of Canterbury (d.1760) B826.
Lynch, Robert (C.C.C. Oxon.) M485.
Lyng, William (1793) D35.
Lyon, P. Alexander T13.
Lyons, `Feuillants' A502.
Lyons, P.A. (donor, 1966) P507.