G. (stamp with coronet) M11, S264.
G., B.R. (bookplate) C482.
G., C. (bookplate) M676.
G., I. (1750) T255, T256.
G., I.L. (binding) I47.
G., T. (binding) C498.
Gaisford, T. (bookplate) A389, A390, B942.
Gale, Isaac C708.
Gale, T. V243.
Galloys, John (1674) L227.
Galston, Gorgia(?) P72.
Galt, John C475.
Ganbi, Aloisius M. A415.
Gandon, P. (1806) D463.
Gardiner, Christopher E609.
Gardiner, Dorothy B66.
Gardiner, George E532.
Gardiner, George (1709) H521.
Gardiner, George (1876) H521.
Gardiner, Robert (1805) H521.
Gardner, H.D.(?) C772.
Gardyne, Alexander (stamp, 1883) C859, D45, K20.
Gardyner, Chr. C85.
Garmenter (?), John C457.
Garner, Johannes B510.
Garnold(?), Charles R153.
Garrett, John (1739) T430.
Garry, Nicholas (bookplate) D190.
Garstang, John B505.
Garstang, Robert L105.
Gascoigne, G.S. (1805) C1137.
Gaulthier, Nicolaus T207.
Gauntlett, S. B1387.
Gay, J. G544.
Geaham, Phyllis C. (donor, 1966) M183.
Gebhard, Johann Albert (1692) E19.
Geering, Richard T264.
Gellibrand, Samuel M217.
Gellibrand, William (17th century) B1327.
Gelsthorp, Robert L519.
Geneva Library P77.
Gentles, John (1761) F63, R466.
Georgy, Samuel P467.
Gerard, Henry L667.
Gervase, William (donor) T311.
Gervasius, Gulielmus M458.
Gerward, Charles (1724) S176.
Gesner, A.S. K1.
Ghossip, Obadiah T175.
Giacobbi, Cesar de (1662) O126.
Gibbs, Ann B499.
Gibbs, John (1675) B499.
Gibs, Johanna (1676) C458.
Gibson, Messr A196.
Gibson, James I54.
Gibson, John C1052.
Gibson, Matthew I54.
Gifford (?) L663.
Gifford, Harriet Maria (1824) B544.
Gilam, Thomas E21.
Gilbourn, P. L448.
Giles, P.O. E156.
Gill, John (1730) I77.
Gill, L. (1731) M31.
Gilsherus Hieronymus (1584) B646.
Girand, Edward August (stamp) H833.
Girardot de Chancourt, J. V110.
Girards (?) C397.
Girdlestone, Thomas G210.
Girle T57.
Girton, John (1752) A515.
Gistdall, S. S1034.
Glanville, Jos O48.
Glegg, William (1712) H781.
Gloucester, Bishop of (binding) M457.
Glover, Catharin (1818) B714.
Glover, Redland C. S1119.
Glover family, 18061813 B608.
Goatus, Joannes B555.
Gochenius, Andreas M659.
Godbinos, Joannes B820.
Godfrey, J. (Norton Court) (1712) B1008. (1729) E27.
Godfrey, John E532.
Godman, Everard (166?) F319.
Godwin, John (bookplate, 1875) B1263, L445.
Godwyn, C. (bookplate) L445.
Godwyn, Francis (1595) H734, H738.
Goffe, Thomas B713.
Gold, Thomas B726.
Golds, J.H. (donor, 1940) C510.
Goldsmyt, Thomas Lyndesay (1598) S225.
Gols, G. de (1728) N86.
Golty, A. H403.
Good (?) C562.
Good, John W197.
Goodwin, Richard (1709) J231.
Gordon's Circulating Library (Oxford St.) H782.
Gordon of Buthlaw (bookplate) R156.
Gordonston (sale) S609.
Goss, Thomas (1652) B468.
Gosse, William G57.
Gostling, Augustus (bookplate) N136.
Gostling, William (bookplate) C873.
Gough, M.W.(?) (1810) A23, I23, J131, L270.
Gough, Mr (sale) B903.
Gower, Charles C449.
Gower, Thomas C449.
Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of (1793) B882, N19.
Graham, Alicia Louisa (donor, 1882) G67.
Graham, William, Oxford (donor) (1852) A538. (1878) A240. (1882) O232.
Grame, C. (1750) A161.
Gras, Simon A209.
Gray, Mary K90.
Gray, Thomas (1708) T72.
Green, J. K59, W117.
Green, Joseph Henry (1880) T146.
Green, Samuel (1776) L562.
Green, Thomas Abbott C165.
Greene, J. E21.
Greenfield, Emma Maria S797.
Greenhill, Katharine Laura V4.
Greenhill, William Alexander (1864) S461, V4.
Greenstreet, James (1890) P348.
Greenway, Thomas (1725) A207.
Gregory, David H598.
Gregory, Edward L176, L177, L178.
Gregory, George de Ligne (bookplate) D126.
Gregory, Joana O134.
Gregory, Richard L633.
Greville family C486.
Grey, Ralph G108.
Grey, Zachary G469, G471, G473.
Griesbach, Johann Jacob G475.
Grieve, R.S. B520.
Griffies, John B1415.
Griffin, Michael H644.
Griffin, W.N. (1886: donor) D272.
Griffith, Edward B650, C709.
Griffith, John (1811) B1158.
Griffith, Langford B12, B13.
Griffith, Moses H696.
Griffiths, Hugo (1705) S48.
Grimes, J.A. A512.
Grisdale, Browne G491.
Grosse, J. V45.
Groutt, Samuell B475.
Grove, George (donor, 1905?) B618.
Grove, Henry V21.
Grove, Katherine V21.
Grownd, Robert F188.
Grundy, B. (1860) T264.
Grundy, John O234.
Grunheuren (?) G456, L694.
Gruterus, Isaac P530.
Guichons P545.
Guilford, Frederick North, 5th Earl of: see: North, Frederick, 5th Earl of Guilford
Guinand, Catherine O139.
Gumbert (?) B1511.
Gunston, Thomas S94, W146, W371.
Gunthneriana (bibliotheca) G130.
Gurney, Daniel (bookplate) P213.
Gurney, Edward C855.
Guthree, Alex B12.
Gwinnett, Abraham H783.
Gwyn, William (1754) B641.
Gwynedd County Library (donor 1985) B1013.
Gwynn, Edward (d.c.1645) (binding stamp) A146, J94.