516 Sign / arms / mark / device (O;R)

Field Definition and Scope

This field describes a sign, coat of arms, a mark or a printer device, used by printers or other persons or corporate bodies.
A printer device, which is assigned to a particular workshop or address of a printer and is not used in connection with other of his addresses should be filed in field 515$e.

Application of Content Designators


Indicator 1: Specifies the type of sign:

Indicator 2: Specifies the type of input:


$8 Language code (O;R)
Mandatory to precede the $n subfield. A three letter language code from the Marc Code List for Languages.

$a Data element (M;NR)
Description of the sign used

$n Cataloguer's note (O;R)
Forming a pair with the preceding $8 subfield. Any cataloguer's comment on this category

$s Source subfield note (O;R)
Source consulted by cataloguer for this specific information.

$u Uniform Resource Locator (O;R)
Forming a pair with the following $y subfield. A Uniform Resource Locator (URL), which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. The target may show an image or description of the given sign.

$y Link description (O;R)
Mandatory to follow the $u subfield. A short term explaining the nature of the object linked in the preceding $u subfield.

$z Chronological subdivision (O;R)
Used in conjunction with $a Preferrred form of entry: yyyy-yyyy or yyyy- or -yyyy

$9 Temporary Data (O;NR)
see the description of numerical subfields.

$0 Type of Sign (M;NR)
A four character code to indicate the type of the sign described in this field. Currently the following values are supported:

Code Meaning 1st indicator 1)
coamcoat of arms4
prdvprinter's device2
hdwrany other kind of handwritten sign1
prntany other kind of printed sign0
stmpany other kind of stamp7

Input Conventions


  1. 516 01$a(Ver)gulden Bybel (inden)$z1588-1603
  2. 516 21$aFama (donna alata con un piede sul globo suona una tromba).$8ita$nMotto:Io volo al ciel per riposarmi in Dio.$sICCU:Z508

Internal Representation

{"data": {"sign": [{
    "tmp": "Temporary data ($9)",
    "description": "description of the sign ($a)",
    "typeOfSign": "Type of Sign ($0)",
    "source": ["source of information ($s)"],
    "start": year ($z),
    "end": year ($z),
    "note": [{
        "lang": "Language code ($8)",
        "text": "Text of note ($n)"
    "link": [{
        "url": "URL of the depiction of a sign ($u)",
        "text": "Link text ($y)"
    "prc": 1|0

Change history

Use of the first indicator value is obsolete and is kept only for backwards-compatibility. In case the information coded in $0 and the first indicator position should contradict, subfield $0 takes precedence