Search keys

This help page documents search keys available in HPB.

Search by people

People are indexed according to their 'last name,initials' or by 'last name,first name' (without a space after the comma). For example: Johnson,A or Johnson,Alfred. If you type n a name without a comma followed by the initials or first name, all people with that surname will be displayed. However, if you type in a name with a comma followed by the initials or first name, only people with names identical to that typed in will be displayed. Naturally, you can use wildcards here as well.

Search by year of publication

If you are searching for publications by a particular author and you wish to limit the search results to a specific year of publication, you can modify the query by using the following search keys. You can search by year of publication using the following operators (the search engine does not include serials in the search results):

Overview of all search keys

Enter the following special search keys before the search term: