===== New provenance publication from Estonia ===== ==== Ownership marks in old books ==== > **//Omanikumärgid vanaraamatus: artiklite kogumik = Ownership marks in old books: collection of articles// = Владельческий знак на старинной книге: сборник статей** \\ [Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu ; koostaja ja toimetaja Larissa Petina ; tõlkijad Ruth Hiie, Inna Saaret, Sirje Lusmägi ; kujundaja Margit Plink ; kaane kujundaja Andrus Igalaan].\\ **Tallinn: National Library of Estonia, 2008. 178 pages, illustrated.**\\ ISBN: 978-9949-413-20-1\\ (Articles in Estonian, English and Russian, with summaries.) > Studies in provenance of Estonian and foreign historical book collections, as well as the reconstruction of former private and family libraries. Under survey are ownership marks, reader's inscriptions, and notes of collectors from the 16th-20th centuries. Among the authors are old and rare book specialists and book historians from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Russia and England. === Contents === * Giles Mandelbrote (British Library): John Evelyn as owner and annotator of books: a case study\\ [Raamatute omanik ja annoteerija John Evelyn. //Resümee//] * Tiiu Reimo (Tallinn University): Anglofiil Eestis: pilguheit Conrad Joseph de Nussi raamatukokku\\ [An Anglophile in Tallinn: a glimpse of the library of Conrad Joseph de Nuss. //Summary//] * Карина Дмитриева, Николай Зубков (All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature): Cобрание князей Эстергази во Всероссийской государственной библиотеке иностранной литературы\\ [Karina Dmitrijeva, Nikolai Zubkov.Vürstide Esterházyde raamatud Venemaa Riiklikus Väliskirjanduse Raamatukogus. //Resümee//]\\ [The princes’ Esterházy books in the All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature. //Summary//] * Mare Luuk (Academic Library of the Tallinn University): Kuue põlvkonna omanikumärgid Palmse Pahlenite raamatukogus\\ [Ownership marks of six generations: the library of the Pahlen family of Palmse. //Summary//] * Татьяна Шор (Estonian Historical Archives): Судьба библиотеки замка Сангасте: материалы к реконструкции книжного собрания фон Бергов\\ [Tatjana Šor. Sangaste mõisa raamatukogu saatusest: Bergide kogu rekonstruktsioon. //Resümee//]\\ [Tatjana Shor. The fate of the Sangaste manor library: the reconstruction of the Berg family book collection. //Summary//] * Alison Walker (British Library): Lost and found: the virtual reassembly of Sir Hans Sloane’s printed books\\ [Kaotatud ja leitud : Sir Hans Sloane’i virtuaalselt taastatud raamatukogu. //Resümee//] * Виестурс Зандерс (University of Latvia, Baltic Central Library): Книжный знак как источник изучения истории Балтийской центральной библиотеки\\ [Viesturs Zanders. Omanikumärgid kui Balti Keskraamatukogu ajaloo uurimise allikad. //Resümee//]\\ [Ownership marks as sources of studying the history of the Baltic Central Library. //Summary//] * Галина Ланцузская, Инна Хрипунова (Research Library of the Voronezh State University): Роль книжных знаков в изучении истории фондов Научной библиотеки Воронежского университета\\ [Galina Lantsuzskaja, Inna Hripunova. Omanikumärkide roll Voroneži Ülikooli Raamatukogu kollektsioonide uurimisel. //Resümee//]\\ [The role of ownership marks in the study of the collections of the Library of the Voronezh University. //Summary//] * Nijolė Klingaitė (Vilnius University Library): Ownership marks in the books of Bibliotheca Academiae Vilnensis \\ [Omanikumärgid Bibliotheca Academiae Vilnensise raamatutes. //Resümee//] * Urve Sildre (National Library of Estonia): Sissekirjutused eesti vanaraamatus: 18. sajand ja 19. sajandi esimene pool\\ [The inscriptions in old Estonian books: the 18th century and the first half of the 19th century. //Summary//] * Лилия Лимане (National Library of Latvia): Записи на латышских старопечатных книгах \\ [Lilija Limane. Sissekirjutused läti vanades raamatutes. //Resümee//]\\ [Inscriptions in old Latvian books. //Summary//] * Anna Perälä (Swedish Literary Society in Finland): Marks of ownership as landmarks in cultural and local history \\ [Omanikumärgid kui tähised kohalikus kultuuri- ja ajaloos. //Resümee//] * Kadri Tammur (Tartu University Library): Supereksliibrise muutumine ajas. Tartu Ülikooli Raamatukogu kogude näitel\\ [Changes in super ex-libris in the course of time. Based on the Tartu University Library collections. //Summary//] * Лариса Петина (National Library of Estonia): Собрание книжных знаков Иваска–Генса и Руси в Национальной библиотеке Эстонии\\ [Larissa Petina. Ivask–Genssi ja Rusi omanikumärkide kogu Eesti Rahvusraamatukogus. //Resümee//]\\ [The ownership marks collection of Ivask–Genss and Rusi in the National Library of Estonia. //Summary//]