====== The Afterlife of Aldus: Posthumous Fame, Collectors and the Book Trade ====== **6 February 2015**, Warburg Institute (Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB) Organized by Paolo Sachet and Jill Kraye This one-day colloquium is devoted the **legacy** of Aldus Manutius and will take place on the anniversary of his death. Rather than examining his own output, which has already received a vast amount of scholarly attention, the focus will be on far less studied topics related to his later fame and reputation. The main theme is how the notion of ‘**Aldine books**’ has changed over 500 years. Ten speakers, divided into three panels, will deliver papers of 25–30 minutes. Each two-hour panel will include 20 minutes of discussion at the end. **Speakers**: Lodovica Braida, François Dupuigrenet Desroussilles, Shanti Graheli, Kristian Jensen, Alessandro Ledda, Raphaële Mouren, Nicholas Poole-Wilson, Paolo Sachet and Julianne Simpson. Fee £25 (£12.50 concessionary rate for full-time students/retired) For **registration**, click on this link: http://store.london.ac.uk/browse/department.asp?compid=1&modid=5&deptid=179 The **full programme** is available in {{:collaboration:manutius_network_2015:aldus_a5_conference_leaflet_final.pdf|PDF}}as well as at:http://warburg.sas.ac.uk/events/colloquia-2014-15/afterlife-of-aldus/ [[:collaboration/manutius_network_2015/main|Back to home page]]