====== Skynd dig langsomt! Den venetianske forlægger Aldus Manutius/Festina lente! The Venetian publisher Aldus Manutius ====== **July 2- July 31 2015**, The Royal Library (1016 Copenhagen K) Curated by Susanne Budde, Karen Skovgaard-Petersen and Anders Toftgaard This exhibition of Aldine editions from the collections of **The Royal Library** from the first one (Constantinus Lascaris: Erotemata, 1494/95) to the last one published in Aldus Manutius’ life time (Lucretius, De rerum natura, 1515). Amongst these an edition Homeri **Ilias** (1504) with **marginal annotations** by the German humanist and reformer **Philipp Melanchthon**. [[:collaboration/manutius_network_2015/main|Back to home page]]